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Turmeric – How to Consume It For Best Effect?!

Turmeric has become the number 1 of all healthy plants in the world! It offers as wide a range of health benefits that it is simply astoundi...

Turmeric has become the number 1 of all healthy plants in the world! It offers as wide a range of health benefits that it is simply astounding!

How Can Turmeric Be Used As A Home Remedy?

Turmeric – How to Consume It For Best Effect
Turmeric – How to Consume It For Best Effect

Turmeric contains curcumin, which is identified as the main active ingredient, and it has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. There is no other natural ingredient in the world which is more effective for reducing inflammation in the body than turmeric!

But you must ensure that your body uses properly the powerful turmeric. For this purpose, you need to learn how to consume it.

Turmeric is soluble in oil, which means that you should combine it with some fat for optimal absorption of nutrients. It is most often prepared with organic virgin coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil.

The daily recommended amount of turmeric should be about 3 g to 10 g.

Thus, about 1 teaspoon of turmeric is the recommended daily intake for adults. For maximum effect, you should take it on a daily basis or at least three times a week.

Elderly people and children younger than 6 years should reduce the dose to half (1/2 teaspoon) once a week for the first time, and then increase the amount of dose that corresponds to the individual. If turmeric is causing indigestion or undesirable reactions, consult a physician.

Important: Combine turmeric and black pepper to maximize their performance. Taking this together, pepper increases the bioavailability of turmeric.


Never taken on an empty stomach.

If you fight with gallstones, consult your doctor before you add turmeric to your food plan (turmeric increases the production of bile and can worsen your condition)

Do not combine with anti-clotting drugs like aspirin, ibuprofen, or warfarin (Coumadin, martefarin) because turmeric also thins the blood.

What is the best form of turmeric consumption?

Most people add it to a cup of warm milk. The most popular combination is – golden milk. Most famous is the recipe of Dr. C. Anderson: Mix 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric with 1/2 teaspoon olive oil. Add a pinch of fresh ground pepper. These three ingredients mix in a cup. You can consume this mixture itself, but also add it to a variety of dishes, soups and salads. Just make sure that if you use it, in cooked dishes that these ingredients do not boil too much, but adding them to the very end. You can also mix it with a little water.

It is also popular the tea from turmeric:

  • 1 cup of warm (not hot) water
  • ¼ tsp turmeric
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • A pinch of cinnamon (optional)
  • 1/8 teaspoon honey
  • Teaspoon of coconut oil

Preparation: Once the water is warm, add turmeric, lemon juice and honey, a tablespoon of coconut oil and mix well. Make sure to drink the water while still warm.

If you are sick or you want to maximize the impact of turmeric, you can purchase and use curcumin, isolated active ingredient of turmeric. It is extremely strong and consult with an expert prior to use it.

Adding turmeric in cooking is very popular and practical because it gives a nice yellow color and no flavor that completely takes the flavor of a dish. Turmeric can be used in the preparation of sweet and savory dishes. You can add the rice, fruit salads, salad dressings, vegetable dishes, sauces, couscous, potatoes, pancakes, cakes … Usually it only takes 1/2 – 1 tsp turmeric. Do not overdo it, because it will have a dish too intense odor. Turmeric, when possible, add seasoning at the end because it will maximally preserve its medicinal properties.

Powder of turmeric is well kept in dark glass bottles in a dark, dry place (not the refrigerator).

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